Board of Directors

Seven volunteer Board of Directors serve the SAWC. The Board is elected by the members during the Annual Membership Meeting each September and serve staggered, three year terms to provide continuity from year to year.

Position 1: Linda  Waagen, through September 2022.
Linda lives on Lusted Road.

Position 2: Andy Anderson, through September 2022.
Andy is retired and lives on Virginia Court since 2004.

Position 3: John Pomazi, through September 2024. He lives on Hauglum Road.

Position 4: Mike Persons, through September 2024.
A resident of Virginia Court since 2004, Mike is a retired educator who most recently served as an Oregon Education Association field manager.

Position 5: Cody Reugg, through September 2023.
Cody is real estate and lives on Virginia Court.

Position 6: Karl Kirchner, through September 2023.
Karl is retired. He has lived on Virginia Court since 1990. Karl has been involved with Skyview water since the mid 90’s.

Position 7: Suzanne Funk, through September 2023.
Suzanne has a background in chemistry and microbiology. She’s lived in the Hudson Road area since 2012.

Officers are appointed by the Board of Directors, immediately after the Annual Membership Meeting each September. Officers serve a one-year term.

President: Mike Persons

Vice President:

Secretary/Treasurer: Linda Waagen