Water Treatment Facility

Several months of testing demonstrated that the SAWC water system exceeded the maximum contaminant level for haloacetic acids. Haloacetic acids are a group of contaminants resulting from the disinfection process when chlorine is added to drinking water. Portland adds chlorine to the water to disinfect water from the Bull Run drainage, and the byproducts are in the water when Skyview receives it. The accepted procedure is to retreat the water to reduce halocetic acids.

The SAWC board proceeded with plans to install a water treatment facility at the Hauglum Rd Reservoir /pump station site. Once installed, the treatment system is expected to reduce haloacetic acids to appropriate levels.

The treatment facility project is included in the SAWC Master Plan, and became the first priority for utilizing capital construction funds generated from the rate increase of 2013. Total cost of the treatment facility was about $91,000  not including replacement of the mainline pipe from Bluff Road to the reservoir site.  Construction of the facility was completed in the summer of 2016.